Small Schooling Fish

    • Harlequin Rasboras 1.5 to 2inch


      Harlequin Rasboras Harlequin Rasboras are gorgeous fish, whom also have a great personality. The Harlequin Rasbora, or Trigonostigma heteromorpha, is also immensely popular. These extremely desirable fish are always on the move. A lively school at the top of the aquarium has an endearing, fiery persona that just radiates attitude. Worldwide Fish and Pets is commited to offering the best…

    • Rummy Nose Tetra med-lrg


      Care level :Easy Diet:?Omnivore Temperament : Peaceful Max Size: 2″ Family : Characidae

    • Cardinal Tetras large


      The Cardinal Tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi is a spectacular fish and one of the most popular aquarium fish of all time. It is very charming in appearance and behavior. This serene yet gregarious fish needs to be kept in a school. A group of these flashing tetras will make a brilliant display in any aquarium. These cardinals are between XL and…

    • Neon Tetras lrg to xl


      The Neon Tetra is an active schooling fish. They are most comfortable and show their best colors when kept in a school of 6 or more fish. They are one of the most peaceful tetras and a very desirable community fish. Keep them only with other small fish or in their own tank.  

    • Columbian Red Fin Tetra


      The Columbian Red Fin tetra, or congo tetra, is a marvelous tetra with beautiful shine and a hefty size. The Red Colombian Tetra “Hyphessobrycon colombianus” is a relatively recent addition to the list of aquarium specimens available for sale. This Colombian Tetra is a somewhat larger tetra than can be semi-aggressive with smaller tank mates and may fin nip fish…

    • Naked Micro Rasboras


      Naked Micro Rasboras Naked Micro Rasboras, or “Sawbwa Resplendens”, are truly a stunning community fish. In large groups Naked Micro Rasboras can be the perfect accent to a planted tank. The Naked Micro Rasbora, being a very small fish, is one of the smallest cyprinids and one of the smallest known vertebrates. These fish are at least 1 inch in…

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