2″ Apistogramma noberti pair
2″ Apistogramma noberti pair

2″ Apistogramma noberti pair

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Apistogramma Noberti wild caught from Peru selling as sexed pairs. Great addition to your south american tank to introduce new genes or for breeding.??Apistogramma noberti pair.

Primarily?carnivorous?and feeds mostly on?benthic?invertebrates in nature. In the?aquarium?live and frozen foods such asArtemia,?Daphnia?and?chironomid?larvae?(bloodworm) should be offered regularly although most specimens will also learn to accept dried alternatives with pelleted products generally preferred to flake.

Captive-raised fish are the recommended choice for the?community aquarium. Wild examples are best maintained alone or with small ?dither? fishes such as?Nannostomus?or?Micropoecilia?spp., and ideally should not be mixed with other?Apistogramma.



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