Freshwater Fish

    • Brazos Texas Dwarf Lobster


      Quick Care: Care Level: Easy Max Size: 1.6″ Temperament: Can be aggressive to other lobster/crayfish Diet: Omnivore Water Temp: 60-82 F Water pH: 6.0 – 6.8 (for max blue color) survive up to 8.0

    • Bushynose pleco 4in to 4.5 inch


      The Bushynose Pleco is a generally peaceful and hardy specimen. They invest the greater part of their energy at the base of the tank, or sucking in favor of the glass. Bristlenoses are a serene animal groups and will coexist with most other tranquil network fish. It’s an extraordinary fish for tenderfoot and experienced aquarists alike. They are exceptionally solid,…

    • Butterfly Pleco L052

      23.3% $7.00$22.99 Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $22.99.

      The Butterfly Pleco L052 is a spectacular collector fish. It can change color based on its surrounding. If placed in an aquarium with dark substrate it will turn its color almost completely black. The Butterfly Pleco, stands out more with a lighter substrate and good lighting. It?s white and black patterns are just gorgeous. Be sure to add this pleco…

    • Cardinal Tetras large


      The Cardinal Tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi is a spectacular fish and one of the most popular aquarium fish of all time. It is very charming in appearance and behavior. This serene yet gregarious fish needs to be kept in a school. A group of these flashing tetras will make a brilliant display in any aquarium. These cardinals are between XL and…

    • Celestial Pearl Danio


      Also known as the Galaxy Rasbora, great nano fish for fish tanks 10 gallons and under. Celestial Pearl Danio reaches maximum 1.5″ size. A fairly new-comer to the aquarium hobby, the Celestial Pearl Danio has become a big sensation in community tanks.It discovered in 2006. It is a very timid fish. It stands out in planted tanks, or tanks with plenty…

    • Cherax apricot Lobster – Rare New Species (Must See)


      Cherax Snowden Lobster These crayfish are a newly discovered species from Indonesia and we are crazy about them. They have beautiful bright orange markings on their claws and body. These lobsters have a great personality and are always scurrying about the tank. These unique lobsters are excellent scavengers, and their dwarf size makes them great for nano tanks! High-quality sinking…

    • Cherry Barbs


      Cherry Barbs A fan-favorite for all aquarium fans! Our cherry barbs are bursting with color.

    • Chili Rasboras


      Chili Rasboras are small fish with big characters. This micro rasbora display s bright red color with a navy blue spot across the majority of its body. This fish is great for any nano or large community aquarium. It adds a nice spark to a planted tank. Care level: Medium Diet: Omnivore Temperament: Peaceful Max Size: 1.25″ Scientific Name:Boraras Brigittae…

    • Chili Rasboras


      Chili Rasboras Chili Rasboras are truly a beautiful nanofish, sure to add a pop of color to your aquarium setup. Worldwide Fish and Pets is commited to offering the best quality fish at affordable prices. We carry fish in stock that you won’t find at the other guys. We know shopping online for pets can sometimes be a gamble, but…

    • Chocolate Oranda


      Quick Care: Max Size: 7″ Min Tank Size: 10 Gallon PH: 6.6-7.8 Temperament: Peaceful Temperature:65 F – 72 F These Orandas are 4″ in size.

    • Clown Loach 3 inch


      Clown Loach The Clown Loach is one of the most beautifully colored and patterned of all the freshwater fish. It is loved for its bright colors and is one of the more outgoing loach personalities. This very popular fish is also known as the Tiger Loach. We have many sizes available, be sure to select your preference!

    • Clown Pleco


      Clown Plecos (Panaque maccus, L104) are dim dark colored with yellow sporadic vertical striping, which fills in as cover when touching on wood. They have hard, reinforcement like scales. Becoming no bigger than 4 crawls in size, they don’t turn out to be so enormous as some different sorts of plecos. Their little size makes them a brilliant expansion to…

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