Apistogramma Macmasteri Gold / Red Shoulder Pair
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Apistogramma Macmasteri Gold / Red Shoulders are from South America. They eat most foods, especially small live or frozen foods. pH level of the water should be kept around 6.0 -7.0
Both wild and aquarium reared Apistogramma macmasteri make superb aquarium inhabitants gave you fulfill their necessities. They can be forceful so loads of spread is prescribed. Apistogramma macmasteri is a hearty smaller person cichlid that and full developed guys can achieve almost 4 crawls long. Females are correspondingly extensive and full grown females can be bigger than grown-up guys of some Apisto species. They are commonly simple to nourish and are moderately undemanding.
They are peaceful species. When you order from Worldwide Fish and Pets, you will receive a healthy, beautiful pair of Apistogramma Macmasteri Gold / Red Shoulder
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