Small Schooling Fish

    • Siamese Flying Fox


      Care level :?Medium Diet:?Omnivore Temperament : Peaceful Max Size: 6″ Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus Family : Cyprinidae

    • Black Emperor Tetra


      Black Emperor Tetra The Black Emperor Tetra is one of the best tetras for the ‘general’ community setup. It is lively, peaceful and its colors offer a pleasing contrast to those of many other species. It’s a good tankmate for most commonly available livebearers, danionins, rasboras, other tetras and peaceful bottom dwellers such as Corydoras or smaller Loricariids. Worldwide Fish…

    • Harlequin Rasboras 1.5 to 2inch


      Harlequin Rasboras Harlequin Rasboras are gorgeous fish, whom also have a great personality. The Harlequin Rasbora, or Trigonostigma heteromorpha, is also immensely popular. These extremely desirable fish are always on the move. A lively school at the top of the aquarium has an endearing, fiery persona that just radiates attitude. Worldwide Fish and Pets is commited to offering the best…

    • Neon Tetras lrg to xl


      The Neon Tetra is an active schooling fish. They are most comfortable and show their best colors when kept in a school of 6 or more fish. They are one of the most peaceful tetras and a very desirable community fish. Keep them only with other small fish or in their own tank.  

    • Columbian Red Fin Tetra


      The Columbian Red Fin tetra, or congo tetra, is a marvelous tetra with beautiful shine and a hefty size. The Red Colombian Tetra “Hyphessobrycon colombianus” is a relatively recent addition to the list of aquarium specimens available for sale. This Colombian Tetra is a somewhat larger tetra than can be semi-aggressive with smaller tank mates and may fin nip fish…

    • Naked Micro Rasboras


      Naked Micro Rasboras Naked Micro Rasboras, or “Sawbwa Resplendens”, are truly a stunning community fish. In large groups Naked Micro Rasboras can be the perfect accent to a planted tank. The Naked Micro Rasbora, being a very small fish, is one of the smallest cyprinids and one of the smallest known vertebrates. These fish are at least 1 inch in…

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