Freshwater Fish

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    • OB Peacock Cichlid – (Orange-Blotched)


      The OB Peacock Cichlid, or Orange-Blotched) peacock, is a beautiful man-made cichlid. The creation of the OB peacock came about by the crossing of a male Aulonocara species with an OB female mbuna. The OB Peacock is a peaceful fish and care must be taken if mixed in smaller tanks (less than 55 gallons) with other mbuna or rock dwellers.…

    • Zebra Loach


      The Zebra Loach “botia striata” is a lively and attractively patterned fish. At first sight the Zebra Loach appears to have lots of vertical bands, but basically it has about nine broad, dark bluish-green bands set on a yellowish green body. These Zebra Loaches are hardy, smaller sized loaches that can make a great choice for the beginner. Our Zebra…

    • Managuense Cichlid (Jaguar Cichlid) 4 inch


      The Managuense Cichlid, also known as the Aztec Cichlid and the Jaguar Cichlid, is a beautifully marked cichlid. Young Managuense Cichlids are dull silver/gold with spots running along their bodies. As they mature the dullness is even greater, until sexually mature when drab blotches become darker, eventually turning black with an irregular pattern like that of the jaguar cat. The…

    • 1.5″-2″ Gardneri Killifish Pair (2)


      Quick Facts: Name: Gardneri Killifish Care Level: Easy Temperament:Peaceful Max Size: 2.5″ Diet: Carnivore Min Tank Size: 20 gallon Water Temperature: 73 – 79 F Water pH: 6.0 – 7.5

    • Black Angelfish


      Black Angelfish “Pterophyllum sp.” are popular tropical freshwater aquarium fish, it’s a pleasure to take care of them, and additionally they are considered one of the most beautiful species of tropical freshwater aquarium fish. Angels often look outside their tank, they may react to various stimuli such as hands in an aquarium, persons standing nearby, and each specimen has its…

    • Freshwater dolphin wild caught 7 inch


      Freshwater Dolphin Fish is a rare fish in the trade and nearly impossible to properly ID. As part of the Mormyridae fish family, these fish are not actual “dolphins” but fish that resemble them, hence the name. They are fairly blind and rely on their electrical pulse to navigate; they can and will bump into objects (especially if you rearrange…

    • Electric Blue Jack Dempsey


      Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rare and exotic freshwater fish that comes from South America. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey grows up to 1 foot in length. The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. Fish that grows the same size and same temperament can be housed as tank mates. The…

    • Pygmy Cory (Dwarf Cory)


      The Pygmy Cory is a wonderful nano fish. Pygmy cories show very interesting behavior and are fun to watch in the aquarium when they’re provided with a large enough shoal and plenty of hiding places. Pygmy Cories can be fed frozen foods (bloodworms, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp), catfish pellets, flake foods, and the occasional algae pellet, but make sure the…

    • Red Tiger Oscar 2.1/2 to 3 inch


      The Red Tiger Oscar is truly a sight to behold; and their amazing ability to grow quickly makes them a prime choice for hobbyists everywhere. Oscars can develop at the noteworthy rate of up to 1+ inches every month when they are young. Try not to be tricked by their little buy measure and get a little tank supposing you…

    • Veil Tail Serpae Tetra


      Veil Tail Serpae Tetra The Veil Tail Serpae tetra is a strain taken from the Serpae Tetra. It has all the beautiful coloration of a Serpae Tetra, but also a veil like tail fin, and long dorsal fin. It is a peaceful fish, that will thrive in any tranquil community aquarium and easy to take care. The Veil Tail Serpae…

    • XL Glass Catfish


      The first thing to notice about the Glass catfish is that it has transparent flesh, which allows us to see the spinal cord and internal organs. This transparent fish is also a picky eater; it has been known not to accept flake foods with ease.?The Glass Catfish is a very delicate fish; it is very sensitive of fluctuating water parameters,…

    • Blue Phantom Pleco


      Care level : Easy Diet: Herbivore Temperament : Peaceful Max Size: 7″ Scientific Name: Pterophyllum scalare Family : Melanotaeniidae

    • Red Tail Shark 3 inch


      Care level : Medium Diet: Piscivore Temperament : Semi-Aggressive Max Size: 4″ Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchos bicolor Family : Cyprinidae

    • Clown Pleco


      Clown Plecos (Panaque maccus, L104) are dim dark colored with yellow sporadic vertical striping, which fills in as cover when touching on wood. They have hard, reinforcement like scales. Becoming no bigger than 4 crawls in size, they don’t turn out to be so enormous as some different sorts of plecos. Their little size makes them a brilliant expansion to…

    • Bala Shark 2 to 2.5 inch


      The Bala shark, also known as a tricolor shark. This is one of the least aggressive sharks. It’s a good choice for a large community tank. A large tank is recommended as these shark grow to over a foot. These sharks are at least 3″ in size. Care level : Medium Diet: Omnivore Temperament : Semi-Aggressive Max Size: 14″ Family…

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