False Yellowjacket Cichlid (Parachromis motaguensis)
$32.99False Yellowjacket Cichlid can reach to size of 12″. You should keep the temperature 68 to 86°f and pH level 6.0 to 8.0. They are aggressive fishes, can try to eat everything that fits in their mouth.
Firemouth 3 to 3.5 inch
$14.99Their maximum size is about 6″. They should be kept in 6-8 to 8.0 pH level. Firemouths are easygoing fishes and perfect choise for home aquariums. You should provide soft environment for them like smooth rock work, sand and robust aquatic plants. you can feed them with frozen foods such as brineshrimp, mosquito larvae, Mysis etc. You should put some…
Ghost Plecos L141
$44.99Ghost Plecos are originated from Brazil. Adult sizes can reach up to 5″. They should be kept 78-82 F in 30+ gallons of tank. Ghost Plecos are peaceful species, but sometimes they can be territorial when they get together with similar species.
$129.99Spiny Monster Plecos are originated from Brazil. They can be territorial with other Plecos. They have sharp spines along with their bodies. You should keep them in a tank with lots of hiding places. The temperature should be 76-82F.
long fin Balloon Blue german Ram
$12.99They are peaceful, bright, very popular community fishes. They get along with angels and tetras. You should provide a well planted aquarium. You should provide them a large tank, since they tend to be aggressive. You can feed them with fresh and frozen food.ballon belly rams do not grow to the lenghtof normal rams but are much more stout and…
Red Tail Notho (Nothobranchius guentheri )
$19.99Red Tail Notho belongs to Aplocheilidae family. Its natural habitats are rivers and freshwaters. Red Tail Notho eats mosquito larvae and some other planktonic species. It has lovely red color
Titanium FlowerHorn nice hump
$159.99[caption id="attachment_2767" align="alignnone" width="600"] Titanium Flowerhorn Cichlid[/caption] -
Celestial Pearl Danio
$5.99Also known as the Galaxy Rasbora, great nano fish for fish tanks 10 gallons and under. Celestial Pearl Danio reaches maximum 1.5″ size. A fairly new-comer to the aquarium hobby, the Celestial Pearl Danio has become a big sensation in community tanks.It discovered in 2006. It is a very timid fish. It stands out in planted tanks, or tanks with plenty…
Naked Micro Rasboras
$6.99Naked Micro Rasboras Naked Micro Rasboras, or “Sawbwa Resplendens”, are truly a stunning community fish. In large groups Naked Micro Rasboras can be the perfect accent to a planted tank. The Naked Micro Rasbora, being a very small fish, is one of the smallest cyprinids and one of the smallest known vertebrates. These fish are at least 1 inch in…
Spotted Silver Dollar Fish 2 to 3 inch
Rated 5.00 out of 5$19.99Spotted Silver Dollar Fish The Silver Dollar Fish Metynnis Lippincottianus looks just as its name implies, round and silvery. This characin is called “Silver Dollar” because its body is almost round and very compressed laterally. The Silver Dollar, though very peaceful, gets rather large and needs plenty of room. It is fairly hardy and makes is a great choice for…