2.5 – 3″ Pictus Catfish / Pimelodus pictus
$14.99 – $54.99The Pictus Catfish can be housed with any soft water tank mate. Tanks with dim light that are heavily planted are ideal for this fish. Rocks, caves, and driftwood also aid in providing an optimal environment for the Pictus Catfish.
Bushynose Pleco 3 inch
$19.99While many suckermouth catfish species have yet to be bred on any major scale in aquariums, the Bristlenose pleco is one of the most easily and often-bred “pleco” species in the aquarium hobby. This fish is immediately distinguishable by its growth of many bristle-like appendages on its facial area beginning in sub-adulthood. busMax Size: 4.5″ Min Tank Size: 25 Gallon…
Celestial Pearl Danio
$5.99Also known as the Galaxy Rasbora, great nano fish for fish tanks 10 gallons and under. Celestial Pearl Danio reaches maximum 1.5″ size. A fairly new-comer to the aquarium hobby, the Celestial Pearl Danio has become a big sensation in community tanks.It discovered in 2006. It is a very timid fish. It stands out in planted tanks, or tanks with plenty…
Cobra Guppy (Green) – 1 male guppy
$5.99Green Cobra Guppies Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Max Size: 2″ Diet: Omnivore Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons Water Temp: 65-82 F Water pH: 5.8 – 8
Moscow Guppy (Green) – 1male guppie
$5.99Green Moscow Guppies Quick Facts: Care level : Easy Diet: Omnivore Temperament : Peaceful Max Size: 2.5? Family : Poeciliidae
Norman’s Lampeye Killifish1.5 inch plus
$3.99Quick Facts: Name: Norman’s Lampeye Killifish Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Peaceful Max Size: 1.5″ Diet: Carnivorous. A variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods is necessary for optimal health.. Water Temp: 73-78 F Water pH: 6.5 – 7.0
OB Peacock Cichlid – (Orange-Blotched)
$18.99 – $34.99The OB Peacock Cichlid, or Orange-Blotched) peacock, is a beautiful man-made cichlid. The creation of the OB peacock came about by the crossing of a male Aulonocara species with an OB female mbuna. The OB Peacock is a peaceful fish and care must be taken if mixed in smaller tanks (less than 55 gallons) with other mbuna or rock dwellers.…
Peacock spiny Eel /half banded spiney (5 to 7 inch)
Rated 5.00 out of 5$24.99Peacock Eels have an elongated body, a pointed snout, with both the dorsal and anal fins extending back to their relatively small caudal fin. Peacock Eels do best in a well oxygenated 35 gallon or larger tank with soft, to medium hard water. Since Peacock Eels are more active in a dimly lit aquarium, it’s a good idea to provide…
Pink-Tail Blonde Platinum Guppy
$5.99The Pink-Tail Blonde Platinum Guppy is a beautiful fish, and will add great color to any tank. The Guppy is a beloved fish in the hobby. With so many different variations of color, one can make a stunning display with these fish. They are elegant swimmers, with great personality. Their colors really pop against a 3D background, or in a…
Protomelas Spilonotus Tanzania – Blue/Gold 3.5 to 4 in
$29.99Protomelas Spilonotus Tanzania Blue Gold goes by a number of different names in the industry. Males are blue with a yellow/orange area on the lower rear portion of their body and lower fins. This area on most males starts out yellow and turns orange with age. Our Promotmelas Spilonotus are at least 4″ in size.