2.5 – 3″ Pictus Catfish / Pimelodus pictus
$14.99 – $54.99The Pictus Catfish can be housed with any soft water tank mate. Tanks with dim light that are heavily planted are ideal for this fish. Rocks, caves, and driftwood also aid in providing an optimal environment for the Pictus Catfish.
Bushynose Pleco 3 inch
$19.99While many suckermouth catfish species have yet to be bred on any major scale in aquariums, the Bristlenose pleco is one of the most easily and often-bred “pleco” species in the aquarium hobby. This fish is immediately distinguishable by its growth of many bristle-like appendages on its facial area beginning in sub-adulthood. busMax Size: 4.5″ Min Tank Size: 25 Gallon…