Freshwater Fish

    • Red Honey Gourami


      The Red Honey Gourami is one of the most colorful fish in the aquarium hobby. They thrive in a well planted aquarium. They grow to just over an inch. The males are more colorful than the females. Care level : Medium Diet: Omniivore Temperament : Peaceful Max Size: 2″ Family : Belontiidae

    • Red Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid


      The Red Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid is a favorite because of it’s amazing color. This fish will thrive in a community cichlid tank. The males tend to get aggressive towards other males while breeding. Provide plenty of hiding space, or separation to reduce aggression. Care level : Easy Diet:Omnivore Temperament :Semi-Aggressive Max Size: 5″ Scientific Name: Aulonocara sp. Family :Cichlidae

    • Red Line Torpedo Barbs – Denison Barbs 3 inch


      Quick Facts: Name: Red-line Torpedo Barb Max Size: 4.5″ Temperament: Peaceful Water Temp: 65 – 80 F Water pH: 6.5 – 7.8 Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallon Diet: Omnivore. Needs to be fed a variety of foods including vegetables as well as meaty foods. Feed a quality flake food as well as live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp…

    • Red Lipstick goby


      Quick Facts: Name: Red Lipstick Goby Max Size: 2″ Temperament: Peaceful, Active Water Temp: 72 – 79 F Water pH: 6.0 – 7.5 Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallon Diet: Micropredator. Requires high-quality frozen and live foods of appropriate size. Dry foods will likely be ignored.

    • Red Oscar Fish3 inch plus


      Quick Facts: Care Level: Difficult Max Size: 12″ Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons Water Temperature: 72 – 77 F Water pH: 6 – 8 Diet:Carnivore

    • Red Pigeon Discus (4″-4.5″)


      Discus are considered the princesses of the fish hobby. They are a cichlid originally from the Amazon River in Brazil. Today, most discus being sold are tank bred. It is such a popular fish mainly because of it’s beauty, and demeanor. One can select from almost any color, and pattern. The Red Pigeon Discus is one of the many varieties…

    • Red Rainbow Fish


      Red Rainbow Fish The Red Rainbow fish is a very popular schooling fish. Rainbow fish are easy to keep, they are peaceful. They thrive in tank with a few plants. This fish will is a very active community fish, that can liven up any tank in the hobby. Since they are very active swimmers, the tank should be at least…

    • Red Spotted Severum 3.5 to 4 inch


      Care level :?Easy Diet: Omnivore Temperament :?Semi-Aggressive Max Size: 8″ Scientific Name:?Heros Severus Family: Cichlidate

    • Red tail catfish 3 inch


      The Red Tail Catfish is probably the most popular catfish in the aquarium trade. It is a beautiful monster fish, with the capability of growing to huge sizes. It is not an overly aggressive fish, but it will eat anything that fits in it’s mouth. Aquarium keepers should consider pairing with other large fish. The South American Red-Tail Catfish is…

    • Red Tail Shark 3 inch


      Care level : Medium Diet: Piscivore Temperament : Semi-Aggressive Max Size: 4″ Scientific Name: Epalzeorhynchos bicolor Family : Cyprinidae

    • Red Tiger Oscar 2.1/2 to 3 inch


      The Red Tiger Oscar is truly a sight to behold; and their amazing ability to grow quickly makes them a prime choice for hobbyists everywhere. Oscars can develop at the noteworthy rate of up to 1+ inches every month when they are young. Try not to be tricked by their little buy measure and get a little tank supposing you…

    • Red Wolf Fish 2.5 to 3.5 in


      The Red Wolf Fish, despite its fearsome appearance, it can be combined with other similarly-sized species in a large tank. In order to see it act naturally, though, it’s much better off when kept alone as a single specimen. It will eat smaller fish. This fish should also not be kept with other wolf fish, they will eventually kill each…

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